“SmartEnd CMS - Laravel Admin Dashboard with Frontend and Restful API ” Documentation by “MMondi” v10.0.3

“SmartEnd APIs Documentation”

Available APIs is for frontend to retrieve the whole website contents for all pages and sections, submit messages, comments, orders or subscribe to newsletter. Easy and flexible.

Table of Contents

  1. How to enable Restful API and get APi_key?
  2. Restful Web Services
    1. { GET }     /api/v1/website/status
    2. { GET }     /api/v1/website/info
    3. { GET }     /api/v1/website/contacts
    4. { GET }     /api/v1/website/style
    5. { GET }     /api/v1/website/social
    6. { GET }     /api/v1/website/settings
    7. { GET }     /api/v1/menu/
    8. { GET }     /api/v1/banners/
    9. { GET }     /api/v1/section/
    10. { GET }     /api/v1/categories/
    11. { GET }     /api/v1/topics/
    12. { GET }     /api/v1/category/
    13. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/
    14. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/fields/
    15. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/photos/
    16. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/photo/
    17. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/maps/
    18. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/map/
    19. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/files/
    20. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/file/
    21. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/comments/
    22. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/comment/
    23. { GET }     /api/v1/topic/related/
    24. { GET }     /api/v1/user/
    25. { POST }   /api/v1/subscribe
    26. { POST }   /api/v1/comment
    27. { POST }   /api/v1/order
    28. { POST }   /api/v1/contact

A) How to enable Restful API and get APi_key? - top

To enable the API you can do that from SmartEnd Admin Dashboard:

  1. Go to Webmaster >> General Settings
  2. Frontend settings >> RESTful API status
  3. Make it Active and you will see your API_key
  4. You can change & generate a new API_Key from the link under the API_key
Note: [ API_key ] is required and you will use it in case of POST Restful Services like posting a new comment, messages .. etc.

B) Restful Web Services

/api/v1/website/status - top

Get the status of the website and the html message in case of closed.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/website/status URL structure
URL Params - -
Success Response
    "msg": "Website Status details",
    "details": {
        "status": 1,
        "close_msg": ""
Response Status Code : 200

0 = Closed, 1= active

html message in case of "status" is 0
Error Response - -

/api/v1/website/info - top

Get the information of the website.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/website/info URL structure
URL Params /Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Main information about the Website",
    "details": {
        "site_url": "http://website_url",
        "site_title": "Website title",
        "site_desc": "Website description",
        "site_keywords": "key, words, website, web",
        "site_webmails": "support@smartfordesign.com"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response - -

/api/v1/website/contacts - top

Get the contacts information of the website.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/website/contacts URL structure
URL Params /Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "List of Contacts Details",
    "details": {
        "address": "Building, Street name, City, Country",
        "phone": "+(00) 0123456789",
        "fax": "+(00) 0123456789",
        "mobile": "+(00) 0123456789",
        "email": "info@sitename.com",
        "working_time": "Sunday to Thursday 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response - -

/api/v1/website/style - top

Get the Style Settings of the website.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/website/style URL structure
URL Params /Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "List of Style Settings",
    "details": {
        "logo": "http://file_url",
        "fav_icon": "http://file_url",
        "apple_icon": "http://file_url",
        "style_color_1": "#0cbaa4",
        "style_color_2": "#2e3e4e",
        "layout_mode": 0,
        "bg_type": 0,
        "bg_pattern": null,
        "bg_color": "#2e3e4e",
        "bg_image": null,
        "footer_style": 1,
        "footer_bg": null,
        "newsletter_subscribe_status": 1,
        "preload_status": 0
Response Status Code : 200

0 = Wide, 1 = boxed

0 = color, 1 = Pattern, 2 = Image

0 = Footer Style #1,
1 = Footer Style #2

0 = disabled, 1 = active

0 = disabled, 1 = active
Error Response - -

/api/v1/website/social - top

Get the social links of the website.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/website/social URL structure
URL Params - -
Success Response
    "msg": "List of Social Networks Links",
    "details": {
        "facebook": "#",
        "twitter": "#",
        "google": "#",
        "linkedin": "#",
        "youtube": "#",
        "instagram": "#",
        "pinterest": "#",
        "tumblr": "#",
        "flickr": "#",
        "whatsapp": "#"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response - -

/api/v1/website/settings - top

Get the general website settings.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/website/settings URL structure
URL Params - -
Success Response
    "msg": "General Website Settings",
    "details": {
        "new_comments_status": 1,
        "allow_register_status": 0,
        "register_permission_group": 3,
        "contact_text_page_id": 2,
        "header_menu_id": 1,
        "footer_menu_id": 2,
        "latest_news_section_id": 3,
        "newsletter_contacts_group": 1,
        "home_content1_section_id": 7,
        "home_content2_section_id": 4,
        "home_content3_section_id": 9,
        "home_banners_section_id": 1,
        "home_text_banners_section_id": 2,
        "side_banners_section_id": 3,
        "languages": []
Response Status Code : 200

1 = default language
2 = all languages

1 = Automatic Publish
0 = Manual By Admin

0 = Disabled
1 = Active
Error Response - -

List Menu Links by menu_id.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/menu/MENU_ID URL structure
URL Params MENU_ID : Integer ID number
/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "List of Menu Links",
    "links_count": 10,
    "links": [
            "id": 3,
            "title": "Home",
            "section_id": 0,
            "href": "home",
            "sub_links_count": 0,
            "sub_links": []
            "id": 4,
            "title": "About",
            "section_id": 0,
            "href": "topic/about",
            "sub_links_count": 0,
            "sub_links": []
            "id": 5,
            "title": "Services",
            "section_id": 2,
            "href": "services",
            "sub_links_count": 0,
            "sub_links": []
            "id": 6,
            "title": "News",
            "section_id": 3,
            "href": "news",
            "sub_links_count": 0,
            "sub_links": []
            "id": 7,
            "title": "Photos",
            "section_id": 4,
            "href": "photos",
            "sub_links_count": 0,
            "sub_links": []
            "id": 8,
            "title": "Videos",
            "section_id": 5,
            "href": "videos",
            "sub_links_count": 6,
            "sub_links": [
                    "id": 8,
                    "title": "Nature",
                    "section_id": 5,
                    "href": "topics/cat/8"
                    "id": 9,
                    "title": "Cities",
                    "section_id": 5,
                    "href": "topics/cat/9"
                    "id": 10,
                    "title": "Adventures",
                    "section_id": 5,
                    "href": "topics/cat/10"
                    "id": 12,
                    "title": "Youtube Videos",
                    "section_id": 5,
                    "href": "topics/cat/12"
                    "id": 13,
                    "title": "Vimeo videos",
                    "section_id": 5,
                    "href": "topics/cat/13"
                    "id": 14,
                    "title": "Hosted videos",
                    "section_id": 5,
                    "href": "topics/cat/14"
            "id": 9,
            "title": "Audio",
            "section_id": 6,
            "href": "sounds",
            "sub_links_count": 4,
            "sub_links": [
                    "id": 15,
                    "title": "Solo",
                    "section_id": 6,
                    "href": "topics/cat/15"
                    "id": 16,
                    "title": "POP",
                    "section_id": 6,
                    "href": "topics/cat/16"
                    "id": 18,
                    "title": "Music Sounds",
                    "section_id": 6,
                    "href": "topics/cat/18"
                    "id": 17,
                    "title": "Other Sounds",
                    "section_id": 6,
                    "href": "topics/cat/17"
            "id": 10,
            "title": "Products",
            "section_id": 8,
            "href": "products",
            "sub_links_count": 4,
            "sub_links": [
                    "id": 19,
                    "title": "Product Category 1",
                    "section_id": 8,
                    "href": "topics/cat/19"
                    "id": 20,
                    "title": "Product Category 2",
                    "section_id": 8,
                    "href": "topics/cat/20"
                    "id": 21,
                    "title": "Product Category 3",
                    "section_id": 8,
                    "href": "topics/cat/21"
                    "id": 22,
                    "title": "Product Category 4",
                    "section_id": 8,
                    "href": "topics/cat/22"
            "id": 11,
            "title": "Blog",
            "section_id": 7,
            "href": "blog",
            "sub_links_count": 0,
            "sub_links": []
            "id": 12,
            "title": "Contact",
            "section_id": 0,
            "href": "contact",
            "sub_links_count": 0,
            "sub_links": []
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/banners/GROUP_ID - top

List of Banners by group_id.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/banners/GROUP_ID URL structure
URL Params GROUP_ID : Integer ID number
/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "List of Banners",
    "type": 1,
    "banners_count": 3,
    "banners": [
            "id": 7,
            "title": "Banner #1",
            "details": "banner text details",
            "file": "http://Photo_or_File_URL",
            "video_type": null,
            "youtube_link": null,
            "link_url": "#",
            "icon": null
            "id": 2,
            "title": "Banner #2",
            "details": "banner text details",
            "file": "http://Photo_or_File_URL",
            "video_type": null,
            "youtube_link": null,
            "link_url": "#",
            "icon": null
            "id": 1,
            "title": "Banner #3",
            "details": "banner text details",
            "file": "http://Photo_or_File_URL",
            "video_type": null,
            "youtube_link": null,
            "link_url": "#",
            "icon": null
Response Status Code : 200

0 = Code / Text
1 = Photos
2 = Videos

0 = Direct video
1 = Youtube video
2 = Vimeo video
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/section/SECTION_ID - top

Get Website Section Details by section_id.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/section/SECTION_ID URL structure
URL Params SECTION_ID : Integer ID number
/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Website Section Details",
    "section_id": "7",
    "title": "Blog",
    "href": "/blog",
    "type": 0,
    "categories_status": 1
Response Status Code : 200

0 = General text pages
1 = Photo Gallery
2 = Video Gallery
3 = Audio Book

0 = Without Categories
1 = Have Main categories only
2 = Have Main and sub categories
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/categories/SECTION_ID - top

Get a list of categories of a section by section_id.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/categories/SECTION_ID URL structure
URL Params SECTION_ID : Integer ID number
/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "List of Categories",
    "section_id": "7",
    "section_title": "Blog",
    "type": 0,
    "categories_count": 4,
    "categories": [
            "id": 1,
            "title": "Web Design",
            "icon": "fa-desktop",
            "photo": null,
            "href": "topics/cat/1",
            "sub_categories_count": 0,
            "sub_categories": []
            "id": 2,
            "title": "Mobile Applications",
            "icon": "fa-apple",
            "photo": null,
            "href": "topics/cat/2",
            "sub_categories_count": 0,
            "sub_categories": []
            "id": 3,
            "title": "Motion Draws",
            "icon": "fa-motorcycle",
            "photo": null,
            "href": "topics/cat/3",
            "sub_categories_count": 0,
            "sub_categories": []
            "id": 4,
            "title": "Web Development",
            "icon": "fa-html5",
            "photo": null,
            "href": "topics/cat/4",
            "sub_categories_count": 0,
            "sub_categories": []
Response Status Code : 200

0 = General text pages
1 = Photo Gallery
2 = Video Gallery
3 = Audio Book
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topics/SECTION_ID/page/PAGE_NUMBER/count/TOPICS_COUNT - top

Get a list of topics of a section by section_id,page_number,topics_count.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topics/SECTION_ID/page/PAGE_NUMBER/count/TOPICS_COUNT URL structure
URL Params SECTION_ID : Integer ID number
PAGE_NUMBER : Integer page number
TOPICS_COUNT : topics count per page

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "List of Topics",
    "section_id": "7",
    "section_title": "Blog",
    "type": 0,
    "topics_count": 8,
    "topics": [
            "id": 15,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 2,
            "href": "topic/15",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 2,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 17,
                    "title": "Web Design",
                    "icon": "fa-desktop",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/17"
                    "id": 18,
                    "title": "Mobile Applications",
                    "icon": "fa-apple",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/18"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
            "id": 16,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 2,
            "href": "topic/16",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 2,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 19,
                    "title": "Publications Design",
                    "icon": "fa-connectdevelop",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/19"
                    "id": 20,
                    "title": "Search Engines Optmization",
                    "icon": "fa-line-chart",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/20"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
            "id": 17,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 0,
            "href": "topic/17",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 1,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 21,
                    "title": "Motion Draws",
                    "icon": "fa-motorcycle",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/21"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
            "id": 18,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 0,
            "href": "topic/18",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 2,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "title": "Web Design",
                    "icon": "fa-desktop",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/22"
                    "id": 23,
                    "title": "Search Engines Optmization",
                    "icon": "fa-line-chart",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/23"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
            "id": 19,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 0,
            "href": "topic/19",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 1,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 24,
                    "title": "Web Design",
                    "icon": "fa-desktop",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/24"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
            "id": 20,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 2,
            "href": "topic/20",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 1,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 25,
                    "title": "Motion Draws",
                    "icon": "fa-motorcycle",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/25"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
            "id": 21,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 4,
            "href": "topic/21",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 3,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 26,
                    "title": "Web Design",
                    "icon": "fa-desktop",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/26"
                    "id": 27,
                    "title": "Mobile Applications",
                    "icon": "fa-apple",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/27"
                    "id": 28,
                    "title": "Motion Draws",
                    "icon": "fa-motorcycle",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/28"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
            "id": 22,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 3,
            "href": "topic/22",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 2,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 29,
                    "title": "Mobile Applications",
                    "icon": "fa-apple",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/29"
                    "id": 30,
                    "title": "Web Development",
                    "icon": "fa-html5",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/30"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
Response Status Code : 200

0 = General text pages
1 = Photo Gallery
2 = Video Gallery
3 = Audio Book

0 = Direct video
1 = Youtube video
2 = Vimeo video
3 = Embed
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/category/CAT_ID/page/PAGE_NUMBER/count/TOPICS_COUNT - top

Get a list of topics of category by cat_id,page_number,topics_count.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/category/CAT_ID/page/PAGE_NUMBER/count/TOPICS_COUNT URL structure
URL Params CAT_ID : Integer ID number
PAGE_NUMBER : Integer page number
TOPICS_COUNT : topics count per page

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "List of Topics",
    "cat_id": "5",
    "cat_title": "Blog Category",
    "topics_count": 8,
    "topics": [
            "id": 15,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 2,
            "href": "topic/15",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 2,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 17,
                    "title": "Web Design",
                    "icon": "fa-desktop",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/17"
                    "id": 18,
                    "title": "Mobile Applications",
                    "icon": "fa-apple",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/18"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
            "id": 16,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 2,
            "href": "topic/16",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 2,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 19,
                    "title": "Publications Design",
                    "icon": "fa-connectdevelop",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/19"
                    "id": 20,
                    "title": "Search Engines Optmization",
                    "icon": "fa-line-chart",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/20"
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "admin",
                "href": "user/1/topics"
            "id": 17,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
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            "date": "2017-03-06",
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            "date": "2017-03-06",
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Response Status Code : 200

0 = General text pages
1 = Photo Gallery
2 = Video Gallery
3 = Audio Book

0 = Direct video
1 = Youtube video
2 = Vimeo video
3 = Embed
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/TOPIC_ID - top

Get all topic details by topic_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/TOPIC_ID URL structure
URL Params TOPIC_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
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            "user": {
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            "href": "user/1/topics"
Response Status Code : 200

0 = General text pages
1 = Photo Gallery
2 = Video Gallery
3 = Audio Book

0 = Direct video
1 = Youtube video
2 = Vimeo video
3 = Embed
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/fields/TOPIC_ID - top

Get additional fields with values of topic by topic_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/fields/TOPIC_ID URL structure
URL Params TOPIC_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Additional Fields of topic",
    "topic_id": "32",
    "topic_title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
    "topic_link": "topic/32",
    "topic_photo": "http://File_URL",
    "fields_count": 2,
    "fields": [
            "type": 0,
            "title": "Price",
            "value": "50000 USD"
            "type": 6,
            "title": "Status",
            "value": "1"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/photos/TOPIC_ID - top

Get additional photos of topic by topic_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/photos/TOPIC_ID URL structure
URL Params TOPIC_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Photos of topic",
    "topic_id": "9",
    "topic_title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
    "topic_link": "topic/9",
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            "href": "/topic/photo/2"
            "id": 3,
            "title": "14888155324481",
            "url": "http://File_URL",
            "href": "/topic/photo/3"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/photo/PHOTO_ID - top

Get photo details of topic by photo_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/photo/PHOTO_ID URL structure
URL Params PHOTO_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Photo details",
    "topic_id": 9,
    "photo": [
            "id": 1,
            "title": "14888146802295",
            "url": "http://File_URL"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/maps/TOPIC_ID - top

Get maps of topic by topic_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/maps/TOPIC_ID URL structure
URL Params TOPIC_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Maps of topic",
    "topic_id": "2",
    "topic_title": "Contact Us",
    "topic_link": "topic/2",
    "topic_photo": null,
    "maps_count": 3,
    "maps": [
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            "title": "Main Title here",
            "details": "Co Rd 6, Kanorado, KS 67741, USA",
            "href": "/topic/map/1"
            "id": 4,
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            "title": "Main title here",
            "details": "Rd 381, McCook, NE 69001, USA",
            "href": "/topic/map/4"
            "id": 5,
            "longitude": "40.463666324587685",
            "latitude": "-103.447265625",
            "title": "Main title here",
            "details": "Co Rd 6, Merino, CO 80741, USA",
            "href": "/topic/map/5"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/map/MAP_ID - top

Get map details of topic by map_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/map/MAP_ID URL structure
URL Params MAP_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Map details",
    "topic_id": 2,
    "map": [
            "id": 5,
            "longitude": "40.463666324587685",
            "latitude": "-103.447265625",
            "title": "Main title here",
            "details": "Co Rd 6, Merino, CO 80741, USA"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/files/TOPIC_ID - top

Get additional files of topic by topic_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/files/TOPIC_ID URL structure
URL Params TOPIC_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Attach files of topic",
    "topic_id": "5",
    "topic_title": "Nullam mollis dolor",
    "topic_link": "topic/5",
    "topic_photo": "http://Photo_URL",
    "files_count": 2,
    "files": [
            "id": 1,
            "title": "File title",
            "url": "http://File_URL",
            "href": "/topic/file/1"
            "id": 2,
            "title": "File title",
            "url": "http://File_URL",
            "href": "/topic/file/2"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/file/FILE_ID - top

Get file details of topic by file_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/file/FILE_ID URL structure
URL Params FILE_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Attach file details",
    "topic_id": 5,
    "file": [
            "id": 1,
            "title": "File title",
            "url": "http://File_URL"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/comments/TOPIC_ID - top

Get comments of topic by topic_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/comments/TOPIC_ID URL structure
URL Params TOPIC_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Comments of topic",
    "topic_id": "9",
    "topic_title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
    "topic_link": "topic/9",
    "topic_photo": "http://File_URL",
    "comments_count": 2,
    "comments": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Roza Hesham",
            "email": "email@site.com",
            "date": "2017-03-06 15:55:21",
            "comment": "Comment text details",
            "href": "/topic/comment/1"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Adam Ali",
            "email": "emm@site.com",
            "date": "2017-03-06 15:55:59",
            "comment": "Comment text details",
            "href": "/topic/comment/2"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/topic/comment/COMMENT_ID - top

Get comment details by comment_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/comment/COMMENT_ID URL structure
URL Params COMMENT_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Comment details",
    "topic_id": 9,
    "comment": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Roza Hesham",
            "email": "email@site.com",
            "date": "2017-03-06 15:55:21",
            "comment": "Comment text details will be here"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

Get related topics of topic by topic_id .

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/topic/related/TOPIC_ID URL structure
URL Params TOPIC_ID : Integer ID number

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "Related topics of topic",
    "topic_id": "5",
    "topic_title": "Nullam mollis dolor",
    "topic_link": "topic/5",
    "topic_photo": "http://File_URL",
    "related_topics_count": 2,
    "related_topics": [
            "id": 32,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "date": "2017-03-07",
            "href": "topic/32",
            "photo_file": "File_URL"
            "id": 33,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "date": "2017-03-07",
            "href": "topic/33",
            "photo_file": "File_URL"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/user/USER_ID/topics/page/PAGE_NO/count/TOPICS_COUNT - top

Get a list of topics of user by user_id,page_no,topics_count.

Method GET Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/user/USER_ID/topics/page/PAGE_NO/count/TOPICS_COUNT URL structure
URL Params USER_ID : Integer ID number
PAGE_NO : Integer page number
TOPICS_COUNT : topics count per page

/Lang_code to the end of URL
Default Language if no Lang parameter is the default language in .env file
Success Response
    "msg": "List of Topics for user",
    "user_id": "1",
    "user_name": "admin",
    "topics_count": 5,
    "topics": [
            "id": 1,
            "title": "About Us",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 34,
            "href": "topic/1",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 0,
            "Joined_categories": [],
            "section_id": 1,
            "section_name": "sitePages",
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            "id": 5,
            "title": "Nullam mollis dolor",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": "fa-ambulance",
            "visits": 18,
            "href": "topic/5",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 0,
            "Joined_categories": [],
            "section_id": 2,
            "section_name": "services",
            "section_type": 0
            "id": 9,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 15,
            "href": "topic/9",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 0,
            "Joined_categories": [],
            "section_id": 3,
            "section_name": "news",
            "section_type": 0
            "id": 15,
            "title": "Sample Lorem Ipsum Text",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": "http://File_URL",
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 2,
            "href": "topic/15",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 2,
            "Joined_categories": [
                    "id": 17,
                    "title": "Web Design",
                    "icon": "fa-desktop",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/17"
                    "id": 18,
                    "title": "Mobile Applications",
                    "icon": "fa-apple",
                    "photo": null,
                    "href": "topics/cat/18"
            "section_id": 7,
            "section_name": "blog",
            "section_type": 0
            "id": 23,
            "title": "Cars Gallery",
            "details": null,
            "date": "2017-03-06",
            "video_type": null,
            "video_file": "",
            "photo_file": null,
            "audio_file": null,
            "icon": null,
            "visits": 0,
            "href": "topic/23",
            "fields_count": 0,
            "fields": [],
            "Joined_categories_count": 0,
            "Joined_categories": [],
            "section_id": 4,
            "section_name": "photos",
            "section_type": 1
Response Status Code : 200

0 = Direct video
1 = Youtube video
2 = Vimeo video
3 = Embed
Error Response { "msg": "There is no data" } Response Status Code : 404

/api/v1/subscribe - top

Post subscribe to news letter .

Method POST Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/subscribe URL structure
URL Params - -
DATA Params "api_key" : Required
"subscribe_name" : Required
"subscribe_email" : Required
Success Response
    "code": "1",
    "msg": "You have subscribed successfully"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response
    "message": "The given data was invalid.",
    "errors": {
        "api_key": [
            "The api key field is required."
        "subscribe_name": [
            "The subscribe name field is required."
        "subscribe_email": [
            "The subscribe email field is required."
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "You are already subscribed"
    "code": "-1",
    "msg": "Authentication failed"
Required Fields:
Response Status Code : 422

Already subscribed:
Response Status Code : 200

Authentication failed:
Response Status Code : 500

/api/v1/comment - top

Post comment to topic by topic_id.

Method POST Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/comment URL structure
URL Params - -
DATA Params "api_key" : Required
"topic_id" : Required
"comment_name" : Required
"comment_email" : Required
"comment_message" : Required
Success Response
    "code": "1",
    "msg": "Your Comment Sent successfully"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response
    "api_key": [
        "The api key field is required."
    "topic_id": [
        "The topic id field is required."
    "comment_name": [
        "The comment name field is required."
    "comment_message": [
        "The comment message field is required."
    "comment_email": [
        "The comment email field is required."
    "code": "0",
    "msg": "There is no data"
    "code": "-1",
    "msg": "Authentication failed"
Required Fields:
Response Status Code : 422

Topic_id not found:
Response Status Code : 404

Authentication failed:
Response Status Code : 500

/api/v1/order - top

Post order to topic by topic_id.

Method POST Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/order URL structure
URL Params - -
DATA Params "api_key" : Required
"topic_id" : Required
"order_name" : Required
"order_phone" : Required
"order_email" : Required
"order_qty" : Required
"order_message" : Optional
Success Response
    "code": "1",
    "msg": "Your Order Sent successfully"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response
    "api_key": [
        "The api key field is required."
    "topic_id": [
        "The topic id field is required."
    "order_name": [
        "The order name field is required."
    "order_phone": [
        "The order phone field is required."
    "order_email": [
        "The order email field is required."
    "order_qty": [
        "The order qty field is required."
    "code": "0",
    "msg": "There is no data"
    "code": "-1",
    "msg": "Authentication failed"
Required Fields:
Response Status Code : 422

Topic_id not found:
Response Status Code : 404

Authentication failed:
Response Status Code : 500

/api/v1/contact - top

Post contact form data.

Method POST Request type
URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL /api/v1/contact URL structure
URL Params - -
DATA Params "api_key" : Required
"topic_id" : Required
"contact_name" : Required
"contact_email" : Required
"contact_phone" : Optional
"contact_subject" : Required
"contact_message" : Required
Success Response
    "code": "1",
    "msg": "Message Sent successfully"
Response Status Code : 200
Error Response
    "api_key": [
        "The api key field is required."
    "contact_name": [
        "The contact name field is required."
    "contact_email": [
        "The contact email field is required."
    "contact_subject": [
        "The contact subject field is required."
    "contact_message": [
        "The contact message field is required."
    "code": "-1",
    "msg": "Authentication failed"
Required Fields:
Response Status Code : 422

Authentication failed:
Response Status Code : 500

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this dashboard. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this dashboard. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.


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